To the man of my dreams and prayers…

Ghina Rai
2 min readSep 29, 2024


To the man who holds me dearly in the darkest of nights,

When the world feels heavy and shadows loom large, your arms become my sanctuary. There is a quiet strength in the way you hold me, as if the weight of my worries melts away the moment I rest against you. In those moments, you remind me that no matter how turbulent the storm, I am never alone. Your embrace is my harbor, guiding me back to a place of peace. May that strength, that comfort, never stray from its purpose — here, with me, where it belongs.

For you are not just by my side, but in my heart, and in my arms.

To the man who speaks softly and gently, even in the hardest of times,

Your voice has the power to calm my restless soul, even when the world is in chaos. When others might lose themselves to anger or despair, you remain gentle, a whisper of kindness in a world that can often feel harsh. It’s in the way you speak, the way you love — quietly but with conviction. May the purity of your affection stay untouched, never tainted by the trials we face. For it’s your love that holds me together, your tenderness that makes me feel safe, cherished, and truly seen.

Thank you for adoring me when I cannot adore myself. Thank you for making this world a little less terrifying.

To the man whose eyes are always filled with sparks,

When I look into your eyes, I see more than just the man I love — I see the stories we have yet to write, the dreams we have yet to chase, the laughter we have yet to share. There’s a spark that lives in your gaze, a promise of forever that lights up even the darkest of moments. Your eyes speak of a love that runs deep, a love that grows with every heartbeat, every shared moment.

May that spark never dim. May the depth of your love continue to burn bright, for we have a lifetime ahead of us — a lifetime to explore, to grow, to fall deeper in love with each passing day.

For us, forever will never feel long enough.



Ghina Rai

A women right's advocate who's also an avid reader and storyteller. I write about love, life, and human rights.