The Endless Spiral: When Is the Right Time To Stop Fighting?
Does being a realist means that I should drop a bundle quickly? At which point in life should I give up on the things I treasure the most just because the universe does not give its blessing? Is this how the story ends? Why does it feel so wrong to let go of someone who has bewitched my soul? These are the questions that I have been asking myself for the past weeks.
Everything feels like a spiral, endless love and pain blurred into one. This is the third time, us fighting what seems to be the impossible. But, we always have hope, buried deeply in our hearts, even if it is tiny. That tiny hope that perhaps, in the future, we will be able to share our tender love, attention, and, most importantly, our dreams together.
Is it wrong to be hopeful? What if that is what we have left; hope? When is the right time to stop fighting?
Although I don’t know how to answer those questions, I do know that we both have a fighting spirit, and when we see a challenge, we wink at it. But, even a fighter knows a losing battle. But they don’t take it as a sign to stop and give up. They fought for what was worth fighting for. And, you’re worth the fight.
Some wondered why, and I answered confidently; because of everything we have been through together. As complex as our story is, I am astounded by us, reaching this point. At first, a rainbow appeared, unexpectedly. Then, thunderstruck, horrifyingly. But, we found ourselves again, on a new and fresh waterfall, happily. Making the most of our time together without knowing, or denying to see, that the storm is waiting. It emerged, out of nowhere, and swallowed everything about us. Unfair, it feels. To be in the happiest place on earth just to get it ripped off from us, unwillingly. To feel wholesome for the first time, just to get it torn up, completely.
But, then again, solely for you, I’m a utopian, full of hope; believing in miracles as you walked into my life is proof that miracles are indeed real.