Every bone of me yearns for you
My throat is filled with growing conifer. I hardly breathe. My lung is like a river. I’m drowning and barely live.
My stomach can be substituted with a barrel. I have no appetite. My head is like a squirrel. Unrest, uneasy, and agitated.
My hand is in a period of sede vacante. Empty, cold, and sealed. My heart is like the holy grail. Missing, lost, and probably splintered.
All because of one presence that I seek and I crave. that I allow to enter. that I take into account. that actually matters.
Shu hal ghaiba, habib albi. My heart is longing for you, all of you. My feet want to run toward you as fast as possible. My hands demand to hug you tightly, touching every inch of you. My lip instructs me to articulate my love for you, as I have always been fond of you. My eyes mandate me to give you a gaze, a deep and warm one. My nose orders me to touch yours, making a slightly cute movement. Every bone of me yearns for you.
“I miss you so much that I would fly to you faster than a bird, but how can a bird with a clipped wing fly?” — Rumi
But, all seems impossible, like a bird with a clipped wing that tries to fly, though I am dying to see you. Therefore now, I’ll settle with the unlikely. Now, I’ll settle with you, but the version of you that I meet a couple of times in my dreams. Now, I’ll take care of myself, I’ll make sure everything is safe. Now, I’ll keep praying for you, for us.
Regardless of our situation, I hope you always keep in your mind that toq-bor-neh.