Almost a year has gone by, and I’m eternally grateful
I never thought that I would become a prolific contributor on Medium, but I have discovered a true passion for crafting sentences and devising stories in the pursuit of making meaningful (or just right, to be fair) impacts.
Upon reflecting on my writing journey, I recognize the significant strides I’ve made.
Life has a way of presenting unexpected opportunities for those who exude confidence and embrace change. Expanding one’s horizons requires the courage to step outside one’s comfort zone, knowing that we are one step closer to achieving our desired points with each stride.
Although it may seem daunting at times, the rewards that come with taking calculated risks and demonstrating self-assurance are immeasurable.
And I felt uneasy, uncomfortable, expressing my innermost sentiments in the form of eligible online pieces, here.
What if it’s too much? What if there is not a single person in the entire universe who could relate to what I am feeling or thinking? What if I’m just a lost soul with no hope of finding my way out of the darkness?
But I was indeed mistaken.
Undoubtedly, we are all intricately connected, and expressing my views and emotions towards everything around me is a decision I can confidently stand by without any regrets.
Last year, giving myself the opportunity to pursue my aspirations that I have been holding onto for the past 10 years was the best gift I could have given to my 21-year-old self.
As I approach my 22nd year of life, I am filled with an insatiable hunger to take on greater risks, to move away from ambiguity, to stand firm in my beliefs, and to unravel new depths of learning.
Here’s to another year full of exploring the unknown, making mistakes, reaching milestones, and rising above all.